Month: October 2013

Cooking and music, the two most ancient forms of art

And the two forms of art that I wish I could do.

Not because they’re the most ancient, but simply because they’re very simple yet nourishing. I’m someone who can change drastically from a bad mood just by eating a very good meal or listening to a nice music, and what could be better than being able to produce them both by myself?

The third thing that I also wish I could do is farming. I remember I used to underestimate farmers as a profession. Now that I began to understand more about food supply and organic lifestyle, the more I feel ashamed of myself for not being able to grow any food by myself. How simple and beautiful life would be if we could eat from the fruits and vegetables we grow. Having a day where we don’t always have to spend money just to get something to eat. Food that we don’t always require other people to prepare it for us. Eating something from the ingredients we know, using the techniques we know so nobody has to bear a consequence from not being aware of what they eat.

Suddenly that little fondness of mine about organic supermarket becomes very relevant. The joy from smelling fresh food every time I visit KemChicks, or Ranch Market, or The Food Hall, or Rezeki Fruit Store… who knows one day I might open myself one something like that. Or a diner. Or both, with nice music playing in the background.

By the way, here’s a chillin’ song from Monita Tahalea & The Nightingales…